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Deluxe Playhouse Package Details
The Deluxe Playhouse is available in 12′ and 14′ widths with your choice of a lofted barn or utility style roof. Features for all Side Porch buildings include wrap-around porch, raised porch roof, porch railing, 36″ 9-lite door, and 5-2’x3′ windows.
Width: 12′ & 14′
Windows: 5-2’x3′
Door(s): 9 Lite 36″
Wall Height: 6’3″ Lofted Barn or 7’8″ Utility
Standard Sizes: 12×24 12×28 12×30 12×32 12×40 14×20 14×24 14×28 14×32 14×36 14×40
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